欢迎大家关注美思公众号meisichina回复关键字“快点” 观看今天的内容视频
Today I want to talk about something we use than the expression we use to show we need to go faster. What the expression is that? Step on it. 我们急的时候会用step on it 来表明想快一点。So I will give you a normal example without "step on it". See if you can understand this sentence. "If we don't hurry, we will be late." 如果我们不急,我们会迟到。How would we use step on it in that situation? We can say:" If we don't step on it, we will be late." step on it 就是踩在上面(离合器)加速的意思,这里表示要快一点。So if we were in a taxi, we can tell the driver:" Please step on it, I am late." "请快一点,我要迟到了。” So try to remember that.
step on it
For example
Please step on it, I am late
请大家在留言中用step on it 造句