

2017-08-24    02'44''

主播: 美思英语微信班

42 1

昨天我们的翻译答案是:太好了,你早就该向她求婚了。 Great! It is about time you proposed to her. I couldn’t fall asleep last night so I went to an internet café to play games. When I opened up League of Legends a few people walked up from behind and told me: “你看得懂?你中文太好了”. I replied:“I’ve been playing this game before Tencent brought it to China, I’m an old timer.” What did I mean by old timer? It means a person who has been doing something for a long time. 我昨晚睡不着就去网吧玩游戏了。打开LOL(英雄联盟)后有人走到我后头问我:”你看得懂?你中文太好了!“ 我说:“中国有腾讯之前我就在玩这个游戏了。我可是个老司机。” 所以“old timer"表示在某方面有很长时间经验的人。 重点表达 ola timer 老手,有经验的人 For example 朗读例句 The old timers didn’t get to where they are for no reason. 老手们能走到现在是有原因的 任务时间 请大家在留言中翻译:多向他学习,他可是个老手 明天揭晓答案 欢迎大家关注美思公众号meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩的英语