【和老外说英语】“fat chance"跟”胖“有关吗?

【和老外说英语】“fat chance"跟”胖“有关吗?

2017-09-18    02'28''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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关注美思公众号meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩的英语 Have you ever travelled in China during Chinese National Day? I have a few times now, but I’ll never forget my first time. I planned to go from Beijing to Guangzhou by train and then fly to the Philippines for a nice relaxing trip. I had no idea how hard it would be to get train tickets only a few days before my planned departure date. I asked a friend if she thought I would still be able to buy a ticket and she replied “fat chance”! 你在中国的国庆节在中国旅行过吗?我现在会时不时地这样做,但是我永远不会忘记第一次经历。我本来计划坐火车从北京到广州,然后坐飞机到菲律宾来一场轻松愉快的旅行,但是我不知道出发前几天火车票居然这么难买,我问了一个朋友我还能不能买到票了,她回答说:“基本上不可能了。” 重点表达 fat chance 机会渺茫,基本不可能 For example 微信朗读班内容 Fat chance she’d ever go out on a date with an ordinary guy like me! 像我这么个普普通通的人 ,根本没有希望约到她一块儿出去。 任务时间 请大家在留言中翻译:你不好好学习,要通过考试根本不可能 另外我们之前也学过“希望渺茫”的另一种表达,大家还记得是什么吗? 明天揭晓答案 昨天我们的翻译答案是:她啪的一声被电话扔下。 She bangde the phone down.