

2017-09-18    03'14''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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关注美思公众号meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩的英语 pop the question: propose marriage 求婚 pop表示突然地、猝不及防地发生,question表示问题,一般求婚都是在对方毫无准备的情况下突然提出来的,这样才有了惊喜和感动。 Sometimes in America we compare our love to plants! Plants need water, food and sunlight and they will grow strong with good roots! LiChen and Fan Bing Bing will need water, food and sunlight in their relationship in order to give it strong roots to last a long time. What is the water,sunshine and food of a good relationship? 在美国我们有时候会把爱情比作植物。植物需要水,食物和阳光才能有一个坚实的根基,才能茁壮成长。要想让爱情长久,李晨和范冰冰也需要水,食物和阳光。这些东西指什么呢? 1. I think it’s patience(we need to be patient with each other) 2. Trust is also important(we need to trust our partners) 3. Kindness(it's always nice to come home to a kind person) 1.耐心 ;2.信任;3.仁慈/体贴 Many things creat a good relationship, these are just some good examples. So, if you are in a relationship, remember to care for it, feed it, give it sunshine, food ,and water patience, trust, kindness. I believe if you do these things, the relationship ,like a plant, will grow strong and have good roots! 维持良好关系的因素很多,这些只是很好的例子。所以记得去关心、喂养它,给它耐心,信任和仁慈的阳光,食物,和水。我相信如果你们能像对待植物一样对待感情,你们的感情一定能茁壮成长! 微信朗读班内容 LiChen popped the question to Fan Bing Bing. 李晨向范冰冰求婚了。 ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中回复:你认为好的爱情还需要什么?最好能用英语回复哦!