

2017-10-01    02'58''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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I must confess, I’m not Chinese! I’m an American living in America,but as I began to learn about National Day I began to realize how similar we are! I’m proud to be an American! I bet you are proud to be Chinese! But there’s a difference between pride and arrogance. Pride can be a good thing! I’m proud to be an American,you’re proud to be Chinese! I’m proud of my son when he does something good! I’m proud to be an English teacher at Mesi .  我得承认,我不是中国人,我是美国人,住在美国。但是了解了国庆节以后,我开始意识到我们是多么的相似。(四海之内皆兄弟)作为美国人我很自豪,我想作为中国人你们也很自豪吧!但是自豪和自大不同。自豪是件好事,作为美国人我很自豪,作为中国人你们也很自豪!如果我儿子做了好事我会为他感到自豪,能成为美思英语老师我很自豪。 But what about bad Pride? This is referred to as arrogance,and in English we have a special way to say it. We say you are getting a big head! I know I know,the Chinese have a translation about this already!大头 Getting a big head in English means you are becoming arrogant.Oh,everyone, look at my muscles! Everyone, look how beautiful I am! Everyone, I am so smart! Wait a minute I think you’re getting a big head! Remember,national pride is great! But getting a big head can make a lot of enemies! 那么关于糟糕的自豪呢?它指的是骄傲,在英文里我们有特别的表达。“you are getting a big head!" 我知道中国人会翻译成 “大头”,在英文里它的意思是骄傲,自大。比如:大家伙快看我的肌肉,看我多好看,多聪明!等一下我觉得你有点自负。记住,有民族自豪感很棒,但是自大过头容易树敌。 重点表达 get a big head 自以为是 微信朗读班内容 I'm proud to be Chinese. But I won't get a big head. 作为中国人,我很自豪。但是我不会妄自菲薄。 ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中回复:说一说自以为是的人有什么表现? 明天揭晓答案。 欢迎大家关注美思公众号meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩的英语