

2017-10-14    04'11''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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Today let's play a very simple game. I'm going to read you two words and you try to tell the difference. Affect; effect. Could you tell the difference? Let's try that one more time. They sound very very similar don't they? But it's important not to get them mixed up. Affect means to change(or to influence)影响, and effect means the result (or the outcome)结果,效果. So now I want us to read these together and I want you to pay special attention to the pronunciation of affect and effect. Even though it is only one letter different, they are different. Did you notice something? 我故意没说的让你们自己察觉. Affect is mostly used as a verb and effect is mostly used as a noun. Let me teach you a quick trick 小技巧 to help you never get confused again. So When you see the word effect, think of the word effective 高效率,有效果,so you will know that effect means 效果 我们来玩个简单的游戏。我来读两个字,你来识别。affect和effect-是不是很像,但是绝对不能混淆。affect是改变,effect是效果。一起念的时候我要你们特意注意这两个字的念法,虽然只差一个字母,念法是不同的。你注意到了吗,affect通常是动词,effect是名词。教你们一个小技巧-看到effect时,就想想effective-我们都知道的字-有效,这样就会想起effect是效果,那样就永远不会混淆了! 重点表达 affect 动词,影响 effect 名词, 效果 微信朗读班内容 1.I will not let the bad news affect my mood. 我不会让坏消息影响我的心情 2.Caffeine has no effect on me. 我喝了咖啡因也没有提神的效果 ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中分别用"affect"和“effect"造句 昨天我们的答案是:选B It's okay. No pronlem. 有些同学还是选了A,知道错在哪里吗?忘记的看一下昨天的Note