

2017-10-23    03'42''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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Two of the students in my class are in a relationship(谈恋爱). Seeing them hold hands in class reminds me of the fact that I’m a 单身狗. One day, they took a selfie(自拍) together. One of them went on to set the selfie as her avatar. Avatar means 头像. We can also say profile pic. She then said,“I want you to do the same and change your avatar”. The other student said “No sorry”. And this made the first student angry,“if you don’t change it, I’m going to leave you.” She said angrily. To this the other student said, “Oh, stop being such a drama queen!”还记得drama queen吗?没看那一集的同学可以去看看!At last the second student explained, “If my parents see my avatar they will know that I 早恋”.  So the key points for today- to say 头像,we can use avatar,and we can also use profile pic. By the way, a profile pic is usually a picture of yourself, but an avatar can be a picture of anything, for example your 男神’s picture.   我教的班里有两个同学在谈恋爱。天天看着他们牵手提醒了我我是单身狗的事实。有一天他们合影了。之后第一个同学把照片设为头像了。她也要求第二位同学这样做。另一位不肯。“你不听从我就离开你”,第一位同学说。“别像个drama queen似的”,第二位反驳。还记得drama queen吗?没看那一集的同学可以去看看!”如果我父母看到头像就会知道我早恋,所以不能设”。还有,profile pic 一般是你自己的照片。avatar可以是任何图片,比如你男神的照片。 重点总结 avatar 头像 微信朗读班内容 Wow I love your avatar. Your PS skills are great. 哇我好喜欢你头像,你修图的功夫很到位。 ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中翻译:你头像是你本人吗? 明天揭晓答案 关注美思公众号​meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩的英语 ​