

2017-12-01    04'48''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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我发现中国有很多伸手党 特别是年轻人 年纪轻轻地就啃老 有的甚至四十好几了还在啃老 他们白吃父母的,白喝父母的,白住父母的 How could they take it for granted? 他们怎么能把这看做理所当然呢? 那刚刚我说的那句英文里有一个短语 take something for granted 表示认为。。。理所当然 Their parents want something back from all their hard work but their kids just keep taking,and taking, and taking. 今天要教大家的是如何用英语怼这些伸手党 英文里我们有个短语“for nothing” 表示白干某事 You have to say it with some attitude You put all that work into it but got nothing back 注意用这个短语的时候一定要带点情绪 表明你的态度 我辛辛苦苦付出却什么也没得到 这像话吗? For example: 1. Son: I have to pay rent!?But I am your son! Dad:I didn’t pay for yourcollege FOR NOTHIN! 儿子:我得付房租?我可是你儿子哎! 爸爸:我可不是白白给你付大学学费的! 2. Girlfriend: Sorry, it is just not working. I think we should break up. Boyfriend:I bought you all those shoes for nothing! 女朋友:抱歉没用的。我觉得我们分手吧 男朋友:我白给你买那么多鞋了! So why are you studying English? 能告诉我你们为什么要学英语吗? Do you want to get a better paying job? Do you want better undestand your favorite American TV shows? Or do you want to impress that gorgeous foreign exchange classmate? No doubt you have some goals you want to reach with your English. So don’t study for nothing! 想一想自己当初为什么要学英语 千万不要白学一场! 接下来一起来学习我们今天的例句: 2 Example 微信班朗读内容 don’t study English for nothing! Work hard,practice, and keep listening to Meisi. 千万别白学英语! 努力,练习,坚持收听美思的节目。 3 Homework 任务时间 关于伸手党相信你们一定有很多话要说,在评论里吐槽你们碰到的伸手党。