【鹅妈妈经典童谣】46 As I was walking through the city

【鹅妈妈经典童谣】46 As I was walking through the city

2017-03-10    01'25''

主播: 玥妈亲子学堂

227 3

【童谣】 As I was walking through the city, Half past eight o&`&clock at night, There I met a Spanish lady, Washing out her clothes at night. First she rubbed them,then she scrubbed them, Then she hung them out to dry, Then she laid her hands upon them Said: I wish my clothes were dry. 当我在城里走呀走, 正是晚上八点半, 那里我遇到了一位西班牙女子, 在晚上洗着她的衣服。 她先揉一揉,再搓一搓, 接着把衣服晾起來, 然后把手放在衣服上, 说:真希望我的衣服已经干了。 【词汇】 walk through 走过 Spanish [`spæniʃ] 西班牙人 rub [rʌb] 揉,搓 scrub [skrʌb] 揉,搓 hung [hʌŋ] 悬挂 dry [drai]干的 laid [leid] lay的过去式,放置 【讲解】 押韵:city, lady; night, dry 声明:我们尊重原创,此音频资源仅用于学习交流,如涉及版权请联系我们删除。