【玥妈唱童谣】I had a sausage 清唱 两版本

【玥妈唱童谣】I had a sausage 清唱 两版本

2018-04-13    00'30''

主播: 玥妈亲子学堂

116 2

【童谣】 I had a sausage, a bonny bonny sausage, I put it in the oven for my tea. (and then)I went down the cellar, to get the salt and pepper, And the sausage ran after me. 我有一根香肠, 漂亮的香肠, 我把它放进炉里烤来当茶点。 我下楼到地窖, 拿点盐和胡椒, 然后那香肠跟着我后面跑。 【词汇】 sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ]香肠,腊肠 bonny [`bɒnɪ] 健美的, 漂亮的 oven [ˈʌvn] 炉子 cellar [ˈselə(r)] 地下室 salt [sɔ:lt] 盐 pepper [ˈpepə(r)] 胡椒 ran after ...追着...