Animal Beauty Contest & Amazing animals 动物选美比赛和天赋异禀的动物

Animal Beauty Contest & Amazing animals 动物选美比赛和天赋异禀的动物

2020-04-24    05'40''

主播: 零度升华🍸

116 2

Story 1: The Animal Beauty Contest 动物选美比赛 Summer is finally here and now the animals can prepare for the Animal Beauty Contest. Each animal must tell what makes him so special. There is a lot of to do. And everyone feels nervous and excited. 夏天终于来了,现在动物们可以为动物选美比赛做准备了。每只动物都必须说出自己的特别之处。有很多事情要做。每一位都感到紧张和兴奋。 Zebra works hard colouring his stripes. Black then white but he can’t reach the stripes on his back. He asks Giraffe to help because she is tall and can easily colour the stripes. Giraffe is happy to help. 斑马努力给条纹上色。先是黑的,然后白的,但是他够不着背上的条纹。他请长颈鹿帮忙,因为长颈鹿很高,而且很容易给条纹上色。长颈鹿很乐意帮忙。 Now, Giraffe is very special. No other animal has neat little orange squares all over its body. She must count each square before the contest but she can’t see the ones on her legs. 长颈鹿很特别。没有其他动物全身上下都有整齐的橙色小方块。比赛前她必须数每个方块,但她看不见她腿上的方块。 She decides to ask Snail to help her. Snail is happy to help. He climbs up her legs and counts each square. But, as he is climbing down, “PLOP!” he falls. 她决定让蜗牛帮她。蜗牛很乐意帮忙。他爬上她的腿,数着每一个方块。但是,当他往下爬的时候,“扑通!”他摔倒。 Snail breaks his beautiful spiral shell. He has no time to find a new one so he feels sad. Giraffe wants to help so she asks her friend Earthworm to look for a new shell. 蜗牛打碎了它美丽的螺壳。他没有时间找一个新的,所以他感到难过。长颈鹿想帮忙,所以她让她的朋友蚯蚓去找一个新的壳。 Earthworm finds many shells in the dirt and under the plants but he cannot find a spiral shell. Earthworm tell his friend not to worry. He will win the contest and share the prize. He shows Snail his linear body, so very long and straight. 蚯蚓在泥土和植物下面找到很多壳,但他找不到一个螺旋形的壳。蚯蚓告诉他的朋友不要担心。他将赢得比赛并分享奖品。他向蜗牛展示了他线性的身体,非常长,非常直。 The butterflies feel happy that their wings are symmetrical. It is very important that the size and colour of each pattern on each wing is the same. It will help them win the Animal Beauty Contest and keep them safe from predators, animals that like to eat them. 蝴蝶很高兴它们的翅膀是对称的。非常重要的是,每只翅膀上每个图案的大小和颜色都是一样的。这将帮助他们赢得动物选美比赛,并使他们远离食肉动物,那些喜欢吃他们的动物。 Today they look good and they feel certain that they will win the contest. It is the morning of the Animal Beauty Contest and each animal hears a loud “BOOM, BOOM, CRASH.” The sky is dark and the sun is not shining. It is raining! 今天他们看起来很好,他们确信他们会赢得比赛。这是动物选美比赛的早晨,每个动物都听到一声“砰,砰,砰”的巨响。天很黑,太阳也不亮。下雨了! Oh no, the contest will have to wait until tomorrow. But who do you think should win the Animal Beauty Contest? 哦,不,比赛要等到明天。但是你认为谁应该赢得动物选美比赛? -------------------------------------------- Story 2: Amazing animals 天赋异禀的动物们 Amazing Animals “Hello, everyone. I’m Marty Mark. Today we are going to meet some Amazing Animals.” “你好,各位。我是马蒂马克。今天我们要去看一些神奇的动物。” “Ok, we are here with our first amazing animal, Kyle Kangaroo... Kyle!” “I’m just getting ready for my world record attempt. I’ll use this measuring tape to measure the length of my jump,” says Kyle proudly. “好了,我们迎来了我们的第一只神奇动物,凯尔袋鼠……凯尔!”“我正在为我的世界纪录尝试做准备。我要用这卷卷尺来量我跳的长度,”凯尔自豪地说。 “One, two, three... Jump!” “Wow, that was really long. Let’s look at the measuring tape to see how far Kyle jumped.” “Amazing! Kyle jumped 40 meters! A new record!” “一,两,三…跳!”“哇,那真的很长。让我们看看卷尺,看看凯尔跳了多远。”“神奇!凯尔跳了40米!一个新记录!” “For the next amazing animal, we have to go to the South Pole. Here’s Peter Penguin on camera.” “Hello, Peter.” “Hello!” “Now Peter, what record will you try to break today?” “Do you see that long piece of ice? I will slide across it on my belly,” says Peter. “下一个神奇的动物,我们必须去南极。这是彼得·企鹅的镜头。”“你好,彼得。”“你好!”“彼得,今天你想打破什么记录?”“你看到那块长冰了吗?我会趴在地上滑过去,”彼得说。 “That would be amazing. What’s the length of the ice?” “Two kilometers.” “Two kilometers! Isn’t that going to be a cold ride? What is the temperature of the ice?” “Minus 40 degrees!” “Wow, at that temperature, will your belly freeze?” “I hope not. If so, I won’t be able to balance on the ice!” “Ok! Here I go!” then Peter starts. “那太棒了。冰的长度是多少?”“两公里。”“两公里!那不是很冷吗?冰的温度是多少?” “零下40度!”“哇,在那种温度下,你的肚子会结冰吗?” “我希望不会。如果是这样,我将无法在冰上保持平衡!”“好!在这里,我出发了!”然后彼得开始说。 “Wow, look at him run... And there’s the jump... And he’s sliding... He has done it! What an amazing slide!” “哇,看他跑……这就是跳跃…他滑……他做到了!多么神奇的滑行啊!” “Now for our next record, let’s bring out Hilda Hippo!” “Hilda, what record will you try and break?” “I will empty that pool of water in one jump!” Hilda says and swings her strong arms. “One jump? How will we know how much water you moved?” “现在我们的下一个记录,让我们把希尔达·河马带出来!”“希尔达,你想打破什么记录?”“我要一跳就把池塘里的水弄没!”希尔达说着,挥动着她有力的手臂。“一跳吗?我们怎么知道你移动了多少水?” “Do you see this rain gauge?” asks Hilda. “Yes!” “We’ll measure how much water splashes into it, and these measuring cups too. And this ruler will show how much lower the water is in the pool!” “For the record, would you mind stepping on this bathroom scale?” “Oh, sure... YLKES!” “Here I go!” then Hilda starts. “你看到这个雨量计了吗?”希尔达问道。“是啊!”“我们要测量一下有多少水溅到雨量计里,还有这些量杯。这把尺子会显示出池子里的水有多低!”“郑重声明,你介意踩一下浴室的磅秤吗?”“哦,肯定…YLKES !“我走了!”然后希尔达开始说。 “She’s running... She’s jumping... And... Wow! That’s a lot of water. The pool is empty. Are you OK?” “Oh, I’m fine. Look in the measuring cups and rain gauge.” “Yes! They’re all full. This is truly a world record!” “她在跑……她在跳……和…哇!那可是很多水啊。游泳池是空的。你还好吗?”“哦,我很好。看看量杯和雨量计。”“是的!他们都是满的。这真是一项世界纪录!” “Well, that’s all for our show today. I hope you’ll join us next time for another Amazing Animals.” “Good Night!” “好了,今天的节目到此结束。我希望下次你能和我们一起欣赏另一种神奇的动物。”“晚安!”