Porcupine-The Hero 豪猪成了英雄

Porcupine-The Hero 豪猪成了英雄

2020-04-24    06'30''

主播: 零度升华🍸

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Porcupine-The Hero 豪猪- 英雄 One day, in the peaceful forest, the animals gathered for breakfast. 一天,在宁静的森林里,动物们聚在一起吃早餐。 Suddenly, they heard shouting from Roger Rabbit. “Help! Help! My sister is trapped! The snake is going to eat her!” “Oh dear!” said Percy Piglet. “That snake is an evil predator! What can we do to help her?” 突然,他们听到Roger兔子的叫喊声。“救命!救命!我妹妹被困住了!蛇快要把她吃掉了!”“哦,亲爱的!”Percy小猪说。“那条蛇是邪恶的捕食者!我们能做些什么来帮助你妹妹呢?” Quinn Quail stopped forward with an idea. “Look at my brown and white feathers! They will camouflage me in the woods. I can save her.” Quinn鹌鹑突然提出一个主意。“看看我的棕白色的羽毛!他们会掩护我藏在树林里。我可以救她。” “Ha! You? That snake will eat you right up!” said Sally Snail. “Look at my hard shell. It will protect my soft body. That snake can’t eat me!” “哈!就你啊?那条蛇会把你吃掉的!”Sally蜗牛说。“看看我的硬壳。它会保护我柔软的身体。那条蛇吃不到我!“ “Eat you? Snakes don’t even like to eat snails,” said Terry Turtle.” And besides, we can’t go. We move too slowly.” “吃你?蛇甚至不喜欢吃蜗牛,”Terry乌龟说,“而且,我们去不了。我们走得太慢了。” “Look,” said Percy Piglet. “I think there’s only one person we can call to help.”“快看,”Percy小猪说。“我想我们可以求助的只有一个人。” “Peter Porcupine!” they all shouted.“Peter豪猪!”他们都喊道。 “Yes?” Peter Porcupine came walking out of his house.“是我,咋啦?”彼得豪猪从他的房子里走出来。 “Please, Peter, only you can save my sister from the evil snake,” Roger Rabbit begged. Roger兔子恳求说:“求求你,Peter,只有你能把我妹妹从那条邪恶的蛇手里救出来。” “Yes, a snake cannot hurt me. Look at my quills. They will go straight through a snake’s scales,” explained Peter. “I will go!” Peter解释说:“是的,蛇不能伤害我。看看我的棘刺。它们会直接穿过蛇的鳞片,”“我去吧!” Peter found the snake. “Ssssss,” hissed the snake. “Sssss, what do you want, Porcupine?” “I want you to leave this rabbit alone!” Peter yelled as he drove the snake away using his quills. “Yessssss,” the snake hissed. “I will leave, just don’t hurt me! Sssss...” 彼得发现了那条蛇。“嘶嘶,”蛇嘶嘶地说。“嘶嘶,你想要什么,豪猪?”“我要你离这只兔子远一点!”Peter叫着,用他的棘刺把蛇赶走了。“是的。”蛇嘶嘶地说。“我会离开的,只是别伤害我!嘶嘶” Roger’s sister escaped. Roger的妹妹逃脱了。 When they returned together unharmed, all of the forest animals cheered. “Hip hip, hooray! Hip, hip hooray!” 当他们毫发无伤地返回时,森林里所有的动物都欢呼起来。“嘻哈,嘻哈,万岁!嘻哈,嘻哈,万岁!” -by 零度不升华,翻译和朗读