

2020-03-30    02'49''

主播: 听到就是赚到

417 12

Once I was seven years old my momma told me Go make yourself same friends or you'll be lonely Once I was seven years old I only see my goals I don't believe in failure Cause I know the smallest voices they can make it major I got my boys with me at least those in favor And if we don't meet before I leave I hope I'll see you later Once I was twenty years old my story got told I was writing about everything I was before me Once I was twenty years old Soon we'll be thirty years old our songs have been sold We've traveled around the world and we're still roaming Soon we'll be thirty years old 想要和你追寻那光芒 黑暗中的你别躲避 不要去害怕孤寂害怕现实丢弃自己 破晓总会降临你为何不再前行 想要让你远离纷扰远离尘嚣看见自己 逆着光芒前行不要回头 就算你们我们他们她们都已变了样 你要相信自己你要一往无前 就在这舞台成为你最自豪的模样 逆着光芒前行 空空四方人来人往你到底该怎么样 逆着光芒前行 逆着光芒前行 不要害怕失去 就算化为尘埃又有什么畏惧 逆着光芒前行