The 101th XMTMC Podcast Program
伴奏: James Liang
歌词: Brian Huang
Xiamen Toastmasters, my home
You give me energy, you keep me warm
You are where I belong
With you I'll remain strong
You shelter me when I am alone
You cheer me up when I am down
With you I have grown
You are the one I'd rather be around
We dance, we laugh, we sing the song
We are a family of fun
I love you, love you, my sweetest home
I want to be with you all along
We dance, we laugh, we sing the song
We are a family of fun
I love you, love you, my sweetest home
I want to be with you all along, all along
Thanks for ur listening. (^_^)☆
Xiamen Toastmasters club
Regular Meeting Time: Every Wednesday 19:30-21:30
Meeting Venue: 厦门思明区思北鹭江街道双莲池社区居委会6楼(海岸后街59号,后门进)
---A Family of Fun---
For more info about us and our regular meetings&other activities , pls visit our own website above or subscribe our Wechat Official Account: xmtmc
We are right here waiting for you~