(超级干货)Jim's XMTMC online sharing (第三期)

(超级干货)Jim's XMTMC online sharing (第三期)

2017-04-01    41'28''

主播: Xiamen Toastmasters

264 7

Here comes our American friend Jim's XMTMC online sharing audio review (第三期): Hope you can learn what you need from this amazing and professional sharing. Thanks for ur listening. (^_^)☆ ------------------------------------------ Xiamen Toastmasters club Regular Meeting: Time: Every Wednesday 19:30-21:30 Venue: 厦门思明区思北鹭江街道办事处会议厅 (思北路口银行中心对面的工商银行旁走楼梯上三楼) ---A Family of Fun--- www.xiamentoastmasters.org For more info about us and our regular meetings&other activities , pls visit our own website above or subscribe our Wechat Official Account: xmtmc We are right here waiting for you~ 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~