

2016-07-28    05'42''

主播: 田瓜说书

591 21

Then she saw another door,a door that was only forty centimetres high.The little gold key unlocked this door easily, but of course Alice could not get through it—she was much too big.So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door,into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers. 这时,她看见另有一个门,只有40厘米高。小金钥匙轻而易举就打开了门,可爱丽丝过不去——她太大了。她趴在地板上看过去,门外是一个美丽的花园,里面长着绿树和鲜艳的花儿。 Poor Alice was very unhappy."What a wonderful garden!" she said to herself."I&`&d like to be out there—not in this dark room.Why can&`&t I get smaller?"It was already a very strange day,and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible. 可怜的爱丽丝难过极了。“多漂亮的花园呀!”她想。“我要出去——不想呆在这个黑屋子里。可我怎么才能变得小一点呢?”今天真是奇怪的一天,爱丽丝开始琢磨什么事都可能发生。 After a while she locked the door again,got up and went back to the glass table.She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table("I&`&m sure it wasn&`&t here before,"said Alice).Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters. 过了一会她锁上门,站起来回到玻璃桌那儿。她放下钥匙,然后看见桌上有个小瓶子(“我敢肯定刚才它不在这儿,”爱丽丝说)。瓶颈上有一张纸,上面写着大大的两个字“喝我”。 But Alice was a careful girl."It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,"she said."What will it do to me?"She drank a little bit very slowly.The taste was very nice,like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee,and very soon Alice finished the bottle. 但爱丽丝是个细心谨慎的女孩。“喝奇怪的瓶子里的东西会很危险,”她说。“喝了我会怎么样呢?”她慢慢喝了一点点。味道不错,有点儿像巧克力、桔汁和热的甜咖啡。爱丽丝很快把一瓶都喝了。 "What a strange feeling!"said Alice."I think I&`&m getting smaller and smaller every second." “感觉真奇怪!”爱丽丝说。“我想每秒钟我都在越变越小。” And she was.A few minutes later she was only twenty-five centimetres high."And now,"she said happily,"I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden." 她是在变小。几分钟后她只有25厘米高了。“现在,”她高兴地说,“我能穿过那扇小门去花园里了。” She ran at once to the door.When she got there,she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table.She ran back to the table for it,but of course,she was now much too small!There was the key,high above her,on top of the table.She tried very hard to climb up the table leg,but she could not do it. 她立刻跑到门那儿。到了那儿她想起来那把小金钥匙还在那个玻璃桌上。她跑回去拿,可是,她现在太小了!钥匙放得很高,在桌子上呢。她想爬上桌子腿,但爬不上去。 At last,tired and unhappy,Alice sat down on the floor and cried.But after a while she spoke to herself angrily. 最后,爱丽丝又累又伤心,坐在地板上哭了起来。哭了一会儿她生气地对自己说了起来。 "Come now,"she said."Stop crying at once.What&`&s the use of crying?"She was a strange child,and often talked to herself like this. “噢,现在,”她说。“快别哭了。哭有什么用呢?”她是个挺怪的孩子,总是这样对自己说话。 Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floor.She opened it,and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it. 很快,她看见自己身边的地板上有一个小盒子。她打开后发现里面有一小块蛋糕,上面写着“吃我”。 Nothing could surprise Alice now."Well,I&`&ll eat it,"she said."If I get taller,I can take the key off the table.And if I get smaller,I can get under the door.One way or another,I&`&ll get into the garden.So it doesn&`&t matter what happens!" 现在没什么能让爱丽丝奇怪的了。“好,吃就吃,”她说。“如果我长高了,就能从桌子上拿钥匙了。如果我变小点就能穿过门了。不管怎样,我得去花园里。发生什么都不要紧!” She ate a bit of the cake,and then put her hand on top of her head."Which way?Which way?"she asked herself,a little afraid.Nothing happened.This was not really surprising.People don&`&t usually get taller or shorter when they eat cake.But a lot of strange things were happening to Alice today."It will be very boring,"she said,"if nothing happens." 她吃了点蛋糕,然后把手放在头顶。“是变大了还是变小了?”她问自己,心里有点害怕。什么也没发生。这一点也不奇怪。一般来说,人们吃点蛋糕并不见得就长高或变矮。但今天,爱丽丝身上发生了许多奇怪的事。“如果什么都没发生,”她说,“那太没意思了。” So she went on eating,and very soon the cake was finished. 于是她接着吃,一会儿蛋糕就吃完了。