

2016-07-28    03'41''

主播: 田瓜说书

405 18

第2章 泪水潭 "Curiouser and curiouser!"said Alice.(She was very surprised,and for a minute she forgot how to speak good English.) “越奇越怪!”爱丽丝说。(她很奇怪,一会儿她就忘了怎么说好英语了。) "I shall be as tall as a house in a minute,"she said.She tried to look down at her feet,and could only just see them."Goodbye,feet!"she called."Who will put on your shoes now?Oh dear!What nonsense I&`&m talking!" “只需要一分钟我就会长得像一所房子那么高,”她说。她试着看看自己的脚,刚刚能看到脚。“再见吧,脚!”她叫了起来。“现在谁能穿上你的鞋?噢天哪!我在胡说些什么呀!” Just then her head hit the ceiling of the room.She was now about three metres high.Quickly,she took the little gold key from the table and hurried to the garden door. 正在这时,她的头碰到了天花板上。她现在大约有3米高。她赶快从桌上拿了小金钥匙,跑到通往花园的门那儿。 Poor Alice!She lay on the floor and looked into the garden with one eye.She could not even put her head through the door. 可怜的爱丽丝!她趴在地板上,用一只眼睛往花园里瞧。她连头都塞不进门里。 She began to cry again,and went on crying and crying.The tears ran down her face,and soon there was a large pool of water all around her on the floor.Suddenly she heard a voice, and she stopped crying to listen. 她又哭了起来,哭个不停。泪水从脸蛋儿滑落,很快在她周围的地板上积成一大潭水。突然,她听到一个声音,她止住哭声仔细听。 "Oh,the Duchess,the Duchess!She&`&ll be so angry!I&`&m late,and she&`&s waiting for me.Oh dear,oh dear!" “噢,公爵夫人,公爵夫人!她要气坏了!我迟到了,她在等我呢。噢天哪,天哪!” It was the white Rabbit again.He was hurrying down the long room,with some white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other hand. 又是白兔,他正从那长房间那边走过来,一只手上拿了些手套,另一只手上拿了把大扇子。 Alice was afraid,but she needed help.She spoke in a quiet voice."Oh,please,sir—" 爱丽丝有点害怕,但她需要帮助。她轻声说:“嗯,先生,请——” The Rabbit jumped wildly,dropped the gloves and the fan, and hurried away as fast as he could. 兔子猛地跳了起来,丢下手套和扇子,风一样地跑了。 Alice picked up the fan and the gloves.The room was very hot,so she began to fan herself while she talked."Oh dear! How strange everything is today!Did I change in the night? Am I a different person today?But if I&`&m a different person, then the next question is—who am I?Ah,that&`&s the mystery." 爱丽丝拣起扇于和手套。房间里很热,于是她一边自言自语一边扇着扇子。“噢我的天!今天的每一件事都多么奇怪!晚上我是不是变了呢?今天我是另外一个人了吗?但如果我变了个人,那下一个问题是——我倒底是谁?啊,真是个谜。” She began to feel very unhappy again,but then she looked down at her hand.She was wearing one of the Rabbit&`&s white gloves."How did I get it on my hand?"she thought."Oh,I&`&m getting smaller again!"She looked round the room."I&`&m al- ready less than a metre high.And getting smaller every second!How can I stop it?"She saw the fan in her other hand, and quickly dropped it. 她又伤心起来,然后她看看自己的手。她正戴着兔子的一只手套。“我怎么戴上这手套的呢?”她想。“噢,我现在又变小了!”她四下看看。“我已经不到一米高。每秒钟都在变小!我怎么才能不变小了呢?”她看到另一只手里的扇子,赶快扔了。 She was now very,very small-and the little garden door was locked again,and the little gold key was lying on the glass table. 她现在很小很小了——可通往花园的小门又锁上了,而小金钥匙还在玻璃桌上。