

2016-07-28    05'04''

主播: 田瓜说书

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Chapter 7 Who stole the tarts? 第7章 谁偷了果馅饼? The King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their thrones when Alice and the Gryphon arrived.There was a great crowd of birds and animals,and all the pack of cards. 当爱丽丝和鹰头翼狮赶到时,红桃国王和王后正坐在宝座上。那儿有一大群鸟儿和动物,还有所有的纸牌。 Soldiers stood all around the Knave of Hearts,and near the King was the White Rabbit,with a trumpet in one hand. 士兵们都站在红桃杰克周围,国王旁边站着白兔,手里拿着一个喇叭。 In the middle of the room there was a table,with a large plate of tarts on it."They look good,"thought Alice,who was feeling a little hungry. 房子中间有一张桌子,上面摆了一大盘果馅饼。“看起来真不错!”爱丽丝心想,自己觉得有点饿了。 Then the White Rabbit called out loudly,"Silence!The trial of the Knave of Hearts will now begin!"He took out a long piece of paper,and read: 这时,白兔高声喊道:“肃静!对红桃杰克的审判现在开始!”他拿出一张长纸,念道: The Queen of Hearts,she made some tarts, 在夏日里的一天, All on a summer day. 红桃王后做了果馅饼。 The Knave of Hearts,he stole those tarts, 红桃杰克, And took them all away. 偷走了所有的果馅饼。 "Very good,"said the King."Call the first witness." “很好,”国王说。“传第一证人。” Alice looked at the jury,who were now writing everything down.It was a very strange jury.Some of the jurymen were animals,and the others were birds. 爱丽丝看了看陪审团,他们正做着记录。这个陪审团奇怪极了,有些陪审员是动物,另外的一些是鸟儿。 Then the White Rabbit blew his trumpet three times,and called out,"First witness!" 白兔吹了三下喇叭,喊道:“传第一证人!” The first witness was the Hatter.He came in with a teacup in one hand and a piece of bread-and-butter in the other hand."I&`&m very sorry,Your Majesty,"he said."I was in the middle of tea when the trial began." 第一证人是制帽人。他一手拿着茶杯,一手拿着一片黄油面包。“对不起,陛下,”他说。“审判开始时,我正在喝茶。” "Take off your hat,"the King said. “摘掉你的帽子,”国王说。 "It isn&`&t mine,"said the Hatter. “帽子不是我的,”制帽人说。 "Stolen!Write that down,"the King said to the jury. “那就是偷的!记下来,”国王对陪审团说。 "I keep hats to sell,"explained the Hatter."I don&`&t have a hat myself.I&`&m a Hatter." “我的帽子是要卖的,”制帽人解释着。“我自己一个帽子都没有。我是做帽子的。” "Give your evidence,"said the King,or we&`&ll cut your head off." “把证据拿出来,”国王说,“要不然我们就砍了你的头。” The Hatter&`&s face turned white."I&`&m a poor man,Your Majesty,"he began,in a shaking voice. 制帽人的脸都变白了。“我是个穷苦人,陛下,”他说道,声音都打颤了。 Just then Alice had a strange feeling.After a minute or two she understood what it was. 这时爱丽丝觉得很奇怪。过了一两分钟,她明白是怎么回事了。 "Don&`&t push like that,"said the Dormouse,who was sitting next to her."I&`&m nearly falling off my seat." “别推我,”睡鼠说,坐在爱丽丝旁边。“我都快从座位上掉下来了。” "I&`&m very sorry,"Alice said politely."I&`&m getting bigger and taller,you see." “对不起,”爱丽丝礼貌地说。“你看,我变大了,也长高了。” "Well,you can&`&t do that here,"said the Dormouse crossly, and he got up and moved to another seat. “好,可你在这儿这样可不行,”睡鼠生气了,他站起来,坐到别的座位上。 The Hatter was still giving evidence,but nobody could understand a word of it.The King looked at the Queen,and the Queen looked at the executioner. 制帽人还在做证,但没人听懂他在说什么。国王看着王后,王后看着执行官。 The unhappy Hatter saw this,and dropped his bread-and- butter."I&`&m a poor man,Your Majesty,"he said again. 可怜的制帽人看到这些,面包片都掉下来了。“我是个穷苦人,陛下。”他又说。 "You&`&re a very poor,speaker,"said the King.He turned to the White Rabbit."Call the next witness,"he said. “你连话都说不清,”国王说。他转向白兔。“传下一个证人,”他说。 The next witness was the Duchess&`&s cook,who spoke very angrily and said that she would not give any evidence.The King looked worried and told the White Rabbit to call another witness.Alice watched while the White Rabbit looked at the names on his piece of paper.Then,to her great surprise,he called out loudly,"Alice!" 下一个证人是公爵夫人的厨子。她气呼呼地说不想做什么证。国王有点担心,于是让白兔传下一个证人。爱丽丝看着白兔查看着那张纸。正在这时,让她大吃一惊,白兔大声喊道:“爱丽丝!” "Here!"cried Alice,jumping to her feet. “在这儿!”爱丽丝喊道,一下子跳了起来。 "What do you know about these tarts?"said the King. “你知道关于果馅饼的事吗?”国王问。 "Nothing,"said Alice. “一无所知,”爱丽丝说。