

2016-07-29    02'18''

主播: 田瓜说书

95 2

"Give me back my wig!" shouted Mastro Antonio in a surly voice. “你把我的假发还我,”安东尼奥师傅怒喊道。 "You return mine and we'll be friends." “你也把我的假发还我。咱俩讲和吧,” The two little old men, each with his own wig back on his own head, shook hands and swore to be good friends for the rest of their lives. 两位小老头各自收回了自己的假发以后,互相紧紧拉手,赌咒发誓说以后要一辈子做好朋友。 "Well then, Mastro Geppetto," said the carpenter, to show he bore him no ill will, "what is it you want?" “那么,杰佩托老朋友”,老木匠表示和解说,“您要我给您效什么劳呢?” "I want a piece of wood to make a Marionette. Will you give it to me?" “我想要段木头做我的那个木偶,您肯给吗?” Mastro Antonio, very glad indeed, went immediately to his bench to get the piece of wood which had frightened him so much. 安东尼奥师傅听了这话真是喜出望外,马上过去拿起工作台上那段把他吓了个半死的木头。 But as he was about to give it to his friend, with a violent jerk it slipped out of his hands and hit against poor Geppetto's thin legs. 可他正要把木头交给朋友,木头猛地一扭,打他手里使劲滑了出来,在可怜的杰佩托那很细的小腿骨上,狠狠地就是一下。 "Ah! Is this the gentle way, Mastro Antonio, in which you make your gifts? “唉哟!安东尼奥师傅,您送礼物给人家是这么客气的吗? You have made me almost lame!" 我的脚几乎都给你打瘸了,” "I swear to you I did not do it!" “我发誓我没打您的脚。” "It was _I_, of course!" “难道是我打我自己的脚不成!” "It's the fault of this piece of wood." “全怪这木头,是它打你的…” "You're right; but remember you were the one to throw it at my legs." “我知道是木头,可把木头扔在我脚上的是您,” "I did not throw it!" “我没扔您!” "Liar!" “您说谎!” "Geppetto, do not insult me or I shall call you Polendina." “杰佩托,您别这样骂我我,要不我就叫您老玉米糊!” -"Idiot." -"Polendina!" -“蠢驴!”-“老玉米糊!” -"Donkey!" -"Polendina!" -“蠢驴!”-“老玉米糊!” -"Ugly monkey!" -"Polendina!" -“丑陋的猴子!”-“老玉米糊!” On hearing himself called Polendina for the third time, Geppetto lost his head with rage and threw himself upon the carpenter. 杰佩托听到这第三声老玉米糊,气得失去了理智,向老木匠猛扑过去。 Then and there they gave each other a sound thrashing. 于是他们又打了一场大架。 After this fight, Mastro Antonio had two more scratches on his nose, and Geppetto had two buttons missing from his coat. 等到这一架打完,安东尼奥师傅的鼻子多了两道抓伤,另一位的背心却少了两颗钮子。 Thus having settled their accounts, they shook hands and swore to be good friends for the rest of their lives. 两个人这样算清账以后,又紧紧拉手,赌咒发誓说发后要一辈子做好朋友。 Then Geppetto took the fine piece of wood, thanked Mastro Antonio, and limped away toward home. 接着杰佩托拿起他那段呱呱叫的木头,谢过安东尼奥师傅,一瘸一拐地回家去了。