【中英文对照】富爸爸穷爸爸 (1)

【中英文对照】富爸爸穷爸爸 (1)

2016-08-02    00'51''

主播: 田瓜说书

2124 26

I had two fathers, a rich one and a poor one. 我有两个爸爸,一个富,一个穷 One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph.D. and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. 一个受过良好的教育,聪明绝顶,拥有博士的光环,他曾经在不到两年的时间里修完了四年制的大学本科学业 The other father never finished the eighth grade. 与之相反的是,我的另一个爸爸连八年级都没能念完 Both men were successful in their careers, working hard all their lives. 应该说两位爸爸的事业都相当成功,而且一辈子都很勤奋, Both earned substantial incomes. 因此,两人都有着丰厚的收入 Yet one struggled financially all his life. The other would become one of the richest men in Hawaii. 然而其中一个人终其一生都在个人财务问题的泥沼中挣扎,另一个人则成了夏威夷最富有的人之一 One died leaving tens of millions of dollars to his family, charities and his church. 一个爸爸死后为教堂、慈善机构和家人留下数千万美元的巨额遗产 The other left bills to be paid. Both men were strong, charismatic and influential. 而另一个爸爸却只留下一些待付的账单 Both men offered me advice, but they did not advise the same things. 他们两个人都曾给过我许多建议,但建议的内容却总不相同 Both men believed strongly in education but did not recommend the same course of study. 他们两人也都深信教育的力量,但向我推荐的课程却从不一样