【中英文对照】富爸爸穷爸爸 (7)

【中英文对照】富爸爸穷爸爸 (7)

2016-08-02    00'28''

主播: 田瓜说书

215 20

Money is not taught in schools. 学校不教授关于金钱方面的知识。 Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not on financial skills. 学校偏重于学术,专业方面的技巧,但并不注重金融方面的知识技巧。 This explains how smart bankers, doctors and accountants who earned excellent grades in school 这就是为什么在学校取得优异成绩,工作上表现出色的银行家,医生和会计师 may still struggle financially all of their lives. 一辈子都要为金钱挣扎奋斗。 Our staggering national debt is due in large part to highly educated politicians and government officials 我们庞大的国债就是因为大部分受过高等教育的政治家和政府官员 making financial decisionswith little or no training on the subject of money. 作出的财政决定,他们只是受过一点的金钱培训,或者完全没有