【中英文对照】富爸爸穷爸爸 (8)

【中英文对照】富爸爸穷爸爸 (8)

2016-08-02    00'27''

主播: 田瓜说书

202 20

I often look ahead to the new millennium and wonder 我常常在想, what will happen when we have millions of people who will need financial and medical assistance. 当我们的社会有成百万的人需要医疗救助时该怎么办? They will be dependent on their families or the government for financial support. 当然家人和政府会救济他们。 What will happen when Medicare and Social Security run out of money? 可是,当医疗基金、社会保障基金都用尽时又该怎么办? How will a nation survive if teaching children about money continues to be left to parents 如果继续将教子理财的重任交给那些由于自身缺乏理财知识,正濒于贫困边缘或已在贫困境地的父母的话, most of whom will be, or already are, poor? 很难想象怎样实现整个社会的富裕。