动感英语 | 红与黑(下)

动感英语 | 红与黑(下)

2020-03-03    04'14''

主播: 科成FlyRadio校园云广播

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《红与黑》这部小说的故事据悉是采自1828年2月29日《法院新闻》所登载一个死刑案件。在拿破仑帝国时代,红与黑代表着“军队”与“教会”,是有野心的法国青年发展的两个渠道(一说是轮盘上的红色与黑色)。The story of "the red and the black" is believed to have been taken from a death penalty case published in the February 29, 1828, courthouse news.In the days of the Napoleonic empire, red and black stood for "army" and "church", the two channels through which ambitious French youth developed (one was red and black on a roulette wheel).