唐尼采蒂歌剧《唐•帕斯夸勒》Bella siccome un angelo她像天仙一样美

唐尼采蒂歌剧《唐•帕斯夸勒》Bella siccome un angelo她像天仙一样美

2015-06-28    02'33''

主播: 西学宗用

734 3

"Beautiful like an angel" (Dr Malatesta, physician baritone男中音医生的咏叹调,是我1993年在加拿大的演出录音) 我为什么喜欢意大利语?首先是因为它属于歌唱语言,开口元音极多,不像英语末尾都是辅音,多闭音节。再就是单词好认好记,趣味无穷。举例如下: donna (woman女人), donnona (big woman大块头女人), donnetta (tiny woman娇小女人),bella donna (beautiful woman美丽女人),bellissima (stunning令人惊艳的女人), bellina (quite pretty十分漂亮的女人), bellona (well past her prime, but still a poser早过盛年,风韵犹存), belloccia (passable长相过得去) 又比如: amore (love), amoroso (sweetheart), amorino (cupid丘比特爱神), amante (mistress) 对比之下,英语单词的构成太幼稚可笑,并且缺少文化内涵。 闲话少说,介绍剧情。 Learn the synopsis of Donizetti's opera, Don Pasquale: Since Don Pasquale cut out his disrespectful nephew's inheritance, Don Pasquale announces he will marry a young woman, hoping she give birth to a son. He has his doctor, Malatesta, search for a bride. Malatesta, recognizing Don Pasquale's foolishness (he is an old man, after all), decides to teach him a lesson. He returns to Don Pasquale singing this aria describing a suitable bride he has found that is "beautiful like an angel." Italian Lyrics意大利语歌词: Bella siccome un angelo in terra pellegrino. Fresca siccome il giglio che s'apre in sul mattino. Occhio che parla e ride, sguardo che i cor conquide. Chioma che vince l'ebano sorriso incantator. Sorriso incantator. Alma innocente e candida, che sé medesma ignora; modestia impareggiabile, dolcezza che innamora ai miseri pietosa, gentil, buona, amorosa. Il ciel l'ha fatta nascere per far beato un cor. per far beato un cor. Il ciel l'ha fatta nascere per far beato un cor. Il ciel l'ha fatta nascere per far beato un cor. English Translation英语译文: Beautiful as an angel like a pilgrim on earth. Fresh as a lily which opens in the morning. Eyes that speak and laugh, looks that can conquer the heart. Hair blacker than ebony enchanting smile. Enchanting smile. A soul so innocent and candid, that ignores itself; unparalleled modesty, sweetness that with which one falls in love compassionate to the poor, gentle, good, loving. Heaven gave her birth to make happy hearts. to make happy hearts. Heaven gave her birth to make happy hearts. Heaven gave her birth to make happy hearts.