

2016-07-28    06'41''

主播: 西学宗用

576 8

渔父词 作者:李煜 译者:许渊冲 一 浪花有意千重雪, 桃李无言一队春。 一壶酒,一竿纶, 快活如侬有几人? 二 一棹zhào春风一叶舟, 一纶茧缕一轻钩。 花满渚zhǔ,酒满瓯, 万顷波中得自由。 Tune :“A Fisherman’s Song” I White-crested ['krestɪd] waves aspire [ə'spaiə] to a skyful of snow; Spring displays silent peach and plum trees in a row. A fishing rod, A pot of wine, Who in this world can boast of happier life than mine? II The dripping oar, the vernal ['vɜːn(ə)l] wind, a leaflike boat, A light fishhook, a silken thread of fishing line, An islet ['aɪlɪt] in flowers, A bowl of wine, Upon the endless waves with full freedom I float.