

2017-01-01    27'12''

主播: 西学宗用

252 4

It is Christmas Eve. The tree is trimmed. The stockings are hung. Cookies for Santa are On the table. Daddy says, “Now, it is time for bed. Santa is coming soon.” Eve前夜 Trim 修剪,装饰 Hung (动词原形hang) Ring-a-ding-ding! I hear bells! It must be Santa with his reindeers and his sled filled with toys! Ring-a-ding-ding铃声大作 “Is that you, Santa?” “No!” says Mommy. “It’s just the telephone. Go back to bed.” Whoosh! Bang! What was that? I know. It’s Santa! He is coming down our chimney. Whoosh! 呼呼,嗖嗖(拟声词) Bang! 砰(拟声词) “Is that you, Santa?” “No!” says Daddy. “I took out the trash. The wind blew the door shut. Go back to bed.” Trash垃圾 Crack! Crash! Hear that? It must be Santa. Santa is putting the BIG presents under the tree! And he broke Some of the balls. Crack! 噼啪!(拟声词) Crash! 哗啦!(拟声词) “Is that you, Santa?” “No!” says Mommy. “It is the cat. She was under the tree. She broke some balls. Go back to bed.” Munch, munch! Santa is eating the cookies! “Ho! Ho! Ho!” says Santa. He likes our cookies. Santa is here! Munch大声咀嚼 Ho! Ho! Ho! 圣诞老人经典的笑声 “Is that you, Santa?” No! It’s Mommy and Daddy eating popcorns and watching TV. Mommy says, “GO TO BED! Santa will not come If you are not in bed.” I go to bed. I wait and wait But no Santa. I am getting sleepy. My eyes are closing. Santa, where are you? Look at all the presents! Santa did come! But, I did not hear Santa. How did he do that?