Shinjuku 新宿 (东口),纵情“时代广场”

Shinjuku 新宿 (东口),纵情“时代广场”

2020-09-07    56'15''


622 5

有别于西口的“曼哈顿”,这里是《新宿事件》里的那个新宿。歌舞伎町灯红酒绿的新宿,高级百货商店林立的新宿,也是皇家庭园新宿御苑的新宿。人们在这里穿梭,游走,停歇,书写自己的“新宿事件”。 Different from the "Manhattan" in the Shinjuku West Exit, this is the Shinjuku in the movie "Shinjuku Incident." A feasting Kabukicho Shinjuku; full of high-end department stores Shinjuku; and also the Imperial Family Garden Gyoten Shinjuku. People shuttled, wandered, stopped by, and lost in Shinjuku, then wrote their own "Shinjuku Incident" here. 关注我们的微博 @Tokyo_Stations 与我们互动,分享你收听节目的想法、见解与感想。 主播:方枪枪,黄大姐,秦老板,小狐狸 品牌设计:哦小普 剪辑制作:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 by (kbys) studio