(新年特辑) 駅長室 Stationmaster's Office S2

(新年特辑) 駅長室 Stationmaster's Office S2

2021-02-09    75'40''


1235 17

农历新年快乐 伴随农历新年的到来,我们的节目也来到了第二季的收尾。早前的提问箱收到了很多朋友的留言,这一次,我们依旧会在站长室特辑中进行回答。在这漫长的一年中,不论你经历了什么,我们都祝愿你:新年快乐,万事安康。我们新的一年再见。 With the Lunar New Year&`&s arrival, our show has also reached the end of the second season. In the question box, we received many messages from friends. This time, we will still answer in the extra edition show of the "Stationmaster&`&s Office." No matter what you have experienced in this long year, we all wish you: Happy New Year and everything goes well. See you in the next year. 我们的 YouTube 频道上线了。记得订阅、按赞、开启小铃铛。   与我们互动,请关注我们的 Twitter 和 微博 @Tokyo_Station   YAJICO GIRL - FIVE 主播:黄大姐,秦老板,方枪枪,小狐狸 设计:哦小普 编辑:哦小普 剪辑:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 © ℗ 2021 (kbys) studio in Tokyo, Japan