朋友不认识英文把脱毛膏当洗发水用了——Miss Chan

朋友不认识英文把脱毛膏当洗发水用了——Miss Chan

2017-03-11    03'31''

主播: GD狂粉

474 0

常见护肤品英文名称 cleanser 洗面奶 The cleanser is on the shelf. 洗面奶在架子上 cream 面霜 The cream from Dabao is better than Lancome. 大宝的面霜比兰蔻的好用 scrub 磨砂膏 You cannot use scrub everyday, it damages your skin. 磨砂膏不能每天用 否则损害皮肤 lotion 露 milk 乳 I prefer using milk than lotion. 比起露我喜欢用乳 concentrate 精华液 Apply some concentrate before you use the cream. 涂面霜之前先上精华液 makeup remover 卸妆水 eye gel 眼霜 sunscreen 防晒霜 toner 爽肤水