说说哪个是你的菜——Miss Chan

说说哪个是你的菜——Miss Chan

2017-04-12    03'03''

主播: GD狂粉

578 4

as plain as the nose on one's face 一目了然 She lied to you and used you. It's as plain as the nose on your face. 她骗了你还利用了你 这是明摆着的事儿 hard-nosed 固执的 Jerry is so hard-nosed that he'd rather give up this chance. 杰瑞太固执了 他宁愿放弃这次机会 have a nose for 善于发现某事物 She has a nose for finding bargains. 她擅于搜寻便宜货 nosey 爱管闲事的 I don't like her. She's quite nosey. 我不喜欢她 太爱管闲事 It's no skin off my nose. 跟我没什么关系