The fatuous monkey
The wolf and the fox came to the forest court. The wolf accused the fox of having cheated him. The fox, in turn, accused the wolf of having robbed him. It fell to the monkey to judge the issue. Unfortunately he could not make heads or tails(理清楚,弄清楚) of it.
So the monkey claimed at random,“The wolf is guilty because he falsely accused the fox, And the fox is guilty because we all know he is a thief by nature.And since that is the case,both the liar and the thief should be imprisoned(监禁,关押).”
Everyone was surprised by the sentence(宣判,判决)and accused the deeds of the monkey.
“He didn’t ask clearly and decided hastily.”said the owl.
“Yeah, then there is no justice in the forest.”said the rabbit.
The monkey couldn’t judge and made a confused decision.