

2021-03-04    02'48''

主播: Joyce的英语角

122 1

Look forward to who you will become Whatever you focus on you will find. If you search for negativity in this world, you will find plenty of it. If you search for hate, anger, violence and sadness you will find it. 你的注意力在哪里,你就会找到什么。如果你寻找负能量,你就会发现很多负能量;如果你寻找憎恨、愤怒、暴力和悲伤,你也会找到。 But the same is true on the flip side: If your only intention is to search for the good, you will find only the good. Whatever meaning you give your life, becomes your life. 但是另外一面也是正确的。如果你的目标是寻找美好,那么你只会找到美好。你赋予你的生命什么,你的生命就会成为什么。 It can be a failure or a lesson. Heart break or character building. Life is against you, or making you stronger. 失败还是教训,伤心还是塑造品格,生活是故意刁难你还是让你变得强大,全看你自己的态度。 Because there is no such thing as reality. We choose our own reality by the meaning we give each moment in our lives. Make it your intention to look for the good in your life. To notice the good in others. To be grateful for what you do have. To see challenges as opportunities to show your true character. 因为根本没有“现实”这回事,全凭我们自己的视角。所以,一定要寻找美好的东西,珍惜自己所拥有的。把挑战当作是锻炼自己的机会。 Remember:What you give your attention to will become your experience in life. Practice seeing the good in your life, and in others. Think the best, expect the best and always ask yourself how can this benefit my life. 记住,你的关注点在哪里,你的成长就在哪里。多关注生命中美好的人和事,思考最好的,期待最好的,而且时刻问自己,这件事怎么能让我的生命受益? Leave who you were. Love who you are and look forward to who you will become. 接纳过去的自己,爱现在的自己,期待将来的自己。