磨耳朵英语绘本 - llama llama red pajama

磨耳朵英语绘本 - llama llama red pajama

2016-08-01    06'39''

主播: 浛小朵英语屋

581 14

Llama llama red pajama reads a story with his mama. 拉玛,穿着红睡衣的拉玛,和妈妈一起读故事 Mama kisses baby's hair. 妈妈亲了亲宝宝的头发 Mama Llama goes downstairs. 拉玛妈妈下楼去啦   Llama llama red pajama feels alone without his mama. 拉玛,穿着红睡衣的拉玛离开妈妈觉得很孤单 Baby llama wants a drink. 拉玛宝宝想要喝水 Mama's at the kitchen sink. 拉玛妈妈在厨房的水槽边   Llama llama red pajama calls down to his llama mama. 拉玛,穿着红睡衣的拉玛呼唤着楼下的拉玛妈妈 Mama says she'll be up soon. 妈妈说她马上就来 Baby Llama hums a tune. 拉玛宝宝哼起了小曲   Llama llama red pajama waiting waiting for his mama. 拉玛,穿红睡衣的拉玛等啊等,等他的妈妈 Mama isn't coming yet. 妈妈还不来 Baby Llama starts to fret. 拉玛宝宝很烦躁   Llama llama red pajama whimpers softly for his mama. 拉玛,穿红睡衣的拉玛,轻轻的呼唤着妈妈 Mama Llama hears the phone. 拉玛妈妈接了一个电话 Baby Llama starts to moan.... 拉玛宝宝开始抱怨  
 Llama llama red pajama listens, quiet, for his mama. 拉玛,穿红睡衣的拉玛,静静的听着妈妈的声音 What is Mama Llama doing? 拉玛妈妈在干吗? Baby Llama starts boo hoo-ing. 拉玛宝宝开始哇哇大哭   Llama llama red pajama hollers loudly for his mama. 拉玛,穿红睡衣的拉玛,大声的呼唤他的妈妈 Baby Llama stomps and pouts. 拉玛宝宝生气的直跺脚 Baby Llama jumps and shouts. 拉玛宝宝又跳又叫   Llama llama red pajama in the dark without his mama. 拉玛,穿红睡衣的拉玛在没有妈妈的黑夜里 Eyes wide open, covers drawn... 睁着眼睛、拖着被子 What if Mama Llama's GONE? 拉玛妈妈如果走了怎么办?   Llama llama red pajama weeping, wailing for his mama. 拉玛,穿红睡衣的拉玛哭闹着叫他的妈妈 Will his Mama ever come? 他的妈妈还会来吗? Mama Llama, RUN RUN RUN! 拉玛妈妈快来快来!   Baby Llama what a tizzy! 拉玛宝宝你在兴奋什么? Sometimes Mama's very busy. 妈妈有时会很忙 Please stop all this Llama drama and be patient for your mama. 请停一下这些拉玛表演,耐心的等一会儿妈妈   Little Llama, don't you know, Mama Llama loves you so? 小拉玛,难道你不知道吗?妈妈是那么的爱你 Mama Llama's always near, even if she's not right here. 拉玛妈妈永远在你身边 Llama llama red pajama gets two kisses from his mama, snuggles pillow soft and deep... 拉玛穿红睡衣的拉玛和他的妈妈亲了亲,深深的窝进他的枕头里 Baby Llama goes to sleep. 拉玛宝宝睡着了