磨耳朵英语绘本-the very busy spider 好忙好忙的蜘蛛

磨耳朵英语绘本-the very busy spider 好忙好忙的蜘蛛

2016-06-10    07'36''

主播: 浛小朵英语屋

1074 20

Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. Athin, silky thread trailed from her body. The spider landed on a fence post near a farm yard... 一天清晨,一阵风把一只蜘蛛吹过了田野。 一根细细的、丝一般的线从她的身体里面拖了出来。 蜘蛛着陆在农家院子的栅栏柱上。 and began to spin a web with her silky thread. 开始用她丝一般的线织网。 "Neigh! Neigh!" said the horse."Want to go for a ride?" ”呐!呐!“马嘶道。”想一起出游吗?“ The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。 "Moo! Moo!" said the cow."Want to eat some grass?" ”哞!哞!“牛叫道。”想一起去吃些草吗?“ The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。 "Baa!Baa!" bleated the sheep. "Want to run in the meadow?" ”咩!咩!”羊咩咩叫道“想一起去草地上跑跑吗?” The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。 "Maa! Maa!" said the goat."Want to jump on the rocks?" “嘛!嘛!”山羊说到。“想一起到岩石上跳跳吗?” The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。 "Oink! Oink!" grunted the pig."Want to roll in the mud?" “噜噜!噜噜!”猪咕哝道。“想一起去泥地里打个滚吗?” The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。 "Woof!Woof!" barked the dog."Want tochase a cat?" “汪!汪!”狗吠道。“想一起去追赶猫吗?“ The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。 "Meow! Meow!"cried the cat."Want to take a nap?" ”喵!喵!“猫叫道。”想去打个盹吗?“ The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。 "Quack! Quack!" called the duck. "Want to go for a swim?" ”嘎!嘎!“鸭喊道。”想一起去游泳吗?“ The spider didn't answer. She had now finished her web. 蜘蛛没有回答。她已经织好了网啦。 "Cock-a-doodle do!" crowed the rooster. "Want to catch a pestyfly?" ”喔,喔,喔!“公鸡鸣道。”想一起去抓害虫苍蝇吗?“ And the spider caught the fly in her web...just like that! 蜘蛛已经在她的网上抓住苍蝇啦,看!就是这样! "Whoo? Whoo?" asked the owl. "Who built this beautiful web?" The spider didn't answer. She had fallen asleep. It had been a very, very busy day. ”呜?呜?“猫头鹰问道。 ”是谁织了这么美丽的网?“ 蜘蛛没有回答。她已经沉沉睡去了。 这是个很忙很忙的一天啊!