

2014-10-10    10'44''

主播: 莱恩茶叶蛋斯基

835 17

节目内容来自:中国日报网双语新闻 不代表个人观点。 【消费观】 浏览社交网,晒奢侈品者不乏被围观;穿梭于人潮中,手拿iPhone者比比皆是。我们咋一个个成了名牌迷?外媒语:中国人太爱炫富了。 ['炫富'成全民潮流] China will overtake Japan as the country with the biggest appetite for luxury goods, HSBC predicts in a research report. The reasons are, at least in part, cultural. Displaying wealth has become a trend in China, and this will translate into growing purchases of luxury goods. -- from The Wall Street Journal 汇丰银行一份报告预测,中国将取代日本成为第一大奢侈品需求国。其部分原因可从文化层面来解读——炫富在中国已成潮流,这种风气将推动更加强劲的奢侈品购买力。——美国《华尔街日报》 [名包'俘虏'中国男] Chinese women buy more fast cars than their counterparts from other countries, while men purchase more designer bags. Coach says men represent 45% of the $1.7b Chinese market for luxury bags and accessories, compared with 15% globally. -- from the Canada-based Globe and Mail 当中国女性领跑全球富婆跑车消费市场时,中国男人则领军世界男性名包消费榜。高档手包和装饰品品牌蔻驰表示,它在中国17亿美元的业绩有45%源于男性消费者,而其全球消费者中男性的比例仅占15%。——加拿大《环球邮报》 [官员独爱奥迪A6] A set of stereotypes associated with car brands is taking root in China. Mercedes-Benz has become the domain of retirees. The Audi A6 is always the choice of Chinese officials, who believe the car's slick frame and invariably tinted windows exude an aura of authority. -- from The New York Times 中国人对汽车品牌存在思维定式,如奔驰是退休人士的最爱,官员对奥迪A6情有独钟。奥迪A6基本成为官员专用车的代名词,他们觉得,那光滑的车身、那一成不变的车窗色调,无不散发着权威的光辉。——《纽约时报》 [苹果'利器'的秘密] Apple largely fell flat in China a decade ago but has gained an emphatic victory today. The reasons behind the movement: Apple's image in China now emphasizes luxury and exclusivity. Its stores are located next to high-end clothing boutiques like Armani, Versace, and BMW Lifestyle. -- from US-based Foreign Policy 10年前,苹果在中国遭遇"滑铁卢",而如今则战果辉煌。其原因在于,它目前彰显的是奢侈和独一无二。苹果店多选取高档"社区",与阿玛尼、范思哲以及宝马服饰等相毗邻。——美国《外交政策》 【爱情观】 早在2010年,中国女"宁坐宝马里哭"的征婚口号就已"远销"海外。如今,外媒不再单单"广告"国人拜金,他们开始以更理性的角度审视中国爱情。 [华人相亲重务实] Tens of thousands of pragmatic men and women gathered in a "business convention center" in Shanghai for the world's largest dating event. They briskly exchanged vital statistics and contact details. -- from The Daily Telegraph of London 上海某地举办了一场全球最大的相亲活动,数万参与者最大的特点是务实。相亲会如同商业会议,都市男女们迅速交换着彼此的关键信息和联系方式。——《英国每日电讯报》 [择偶标准大不同] Most single men said they wanted a "kind-hearted" wife, not too beautiful and flighty, but modest and homely. The "minimum requirement" for the women meanwhile was straight-forward: a man with his own house, and preferably also a car. -- from The Daily Telegraph of London 大多数男性表示,他们希望找个"善良"的妻子,不必太漂亮,但不能轻浮,最好谦逊而顾家。而女性的"最低要求"则直截了当:必须有房,有车更好。——《英国每日电讯报》 【育儿观】 忠孝之道自古是中国教育的根本,我们小的时候,很不善于质疑。不过,如今很多家庭的教育模式正悄然变化,潮爸潮妈开始培养孩子的独立思考能力。这点,还真被外媒注意到了。 ['强调权威'受质疑] Many Chinese parents have started to question the traditional approach that stressed discipline and authority. In recent years, books that encourage parents to nurture their children's independence and confidence - as opposed to focusing exclusively on high academic achievement - have grown increasingly popular. -- from The Wall Street Journal 中国许多家长开始对强调纪律和权威的传统教育方式提出质疑。近些年来,鼓励父母培养孩子的独立能力和自信心、而非仅仅专注于高分的书籍开始畅销。——美国《华尔街日报》 【中国式创造】 外国人怕了,感慨中国人的克隆能力实在太强悍。从互联网技术到婚礼创意,只要国外有,中国就能迅速产生山寨版,大有"青出于蓝而胜于蓝"之势。 [IT业本土化克隆] Just how many clone opportunities are left in China? The Chinese marketplace has copies of YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, eBay and yes, even Wikipedia. Founders of these Chinese copycat brands tailored features to the local culture, and the clones may be able to keep the originals from entering China.-- from Forbes.com 中国市场已经复制了YouTube视频网站、亚马逊在线购物网站、"脸谱"交友网站、谷歌搜索、LinkedIn社交网站、eBay电子商务平台,甚至维基百科。现在中国还剩下什么没有克隆?山寨创建者善于进行本土化改造,因此中国的山寨产品有能力阻击"原版"进入中国市场。——《福布斯》网站