The King Lost His Ring
One day the king of Ding Dong looked at his hand.
“Help!” he said.
“I have lost my ring!
I must have dropped it in the snow.”
The king said to the squire,
“It is such a nice ring.Do not linger for much longer.
Go and look for my ring.
Dig up all the snow if you have to.
You must get my ring!”
The squire hired a gang of men to look for the ring.
“You have to look for the king’s ring,” he said.
“Dig up all the snow if you have to.You must get the ring!”
The king felt sad.
He could not eat a single sweet.
“Iwill not eat a single sweet,” he said.
Bring me my ring, and then I will be happy!”
The squire said,
“You can eat sweets all day long!”
But the king would not eat the sweets.
“It is a shame the king is so sad.
We must get his ring back before spring has sprung,” said the squire.
Before long it was spring.
The ring was still missing,
and the king was still not happy.
He was still mad and could not smile.
But the snow was melting.
Would the king get his ring?
A bird looked down.
Itsaw a shape shining in the grass.
Itwas the king’s ring.
The bird picked up the ring
in its bill, and flapped its wings.
It went to see the king.
It sang out, “I have the king’s ring.”
The ring dropped from its bill and landed next to the king.
The king dashed up to the squire.
“I have my ring back,” he said.
“Bang the gong on the shelf.”
The gong clanged and banged.
“The king has his ring back,”
the squire yelled.
The king was happy.
“Bring me all my sweets to eat,” he said.
“Let us sing,” said the squire.
They sang song after song to the happy king.感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~