一个干净 一个脏
Brother Messy,Brother Neat
Pablo was messy,
He liked to draw whenever he could.
Nico was neat,
He liked to organize whatever he could.
When their sister Maria was born, the boys had to share a room.
'I'm not shareing a room with that slob'. Nico said.
'How can I do anything fun when'. their everything is so clean? Pablo asked.
'Find a way to work it out'. their mother said.
Their first week together.
Pablo slept in the closet'It's too clean out there.'Pablo said.
The closet was too dark at night,
though Pablo moved back into their room.
The second week. Nico put tape on the floor.
'You stay on your side.' Nico said.
Nico had to croos the line every day to leave the room,though.
He pulled up the tape.
When their sister Maria was born,
The third week they decided to come up with rules.
'tirst rule is you can't organize my stuff without asking me,'Plblo said.
'Second rule is you can't use my stuff without asking me,'Nico said.
They thought up a list of fifteen rules they promised they would't break.
At the end they both agreed on one more thing.
We need to paint our room!