Club monster 小怪物俱乐部

Club monster 小怪物俱乐部

2017-01-05    03'51''

主播: Nancy👇😃

124 3

Club Monster It is summer. School is out. The sun is hot. “What should we do?” asks Lurk. Bonk has an idea. “All the cool monsters have a club,” says Bonk. The monsters join a garden club. But Lurk steps on the flowers. Snag sneezes and sneezes. “I forgot something,” Snag says. “Gardens make me sneeze.” They join a travel club. Uzzle gets lost in the airport. Bonk is seasick on the boat. They join a hiking club. “Hiking is hard,” says Snag. “Are we there yet?” Uzzle ask “Let’s make our own club,” says Bonk. “What should we call it?” asks Lurk. “ Let’s call it The Very Scary Monsters Club,” says Bonk “Time to practice our scary faces,” says Bonk. They look in the mirror and make scary faces. Then they hide under the bed. “That was too scary,” says Bonk They try to pick a secret password. “What about fluffy?” asks Lurk. “Or chicken?” asks Snag. “Those are not scary passwords,” says Bonk. The monsters look for a clubhouse. Snag has a big box. “We can fit if we squeeze together,” says Snag. The monsters squeeze into the box. “I'm squished!” says Uzzle. “ I'm squashed!” says Snag. The box rips. The monsters fall on the ground. “We do not have a clubhouse,” says Bonk. “We do not have a secret password,” says Snag. “We do not have a name for our club,” says Uzzle. The monsters sit in the hot sun. Sweat drips off their faces. Just then, they hear music. The ice cream truck is coming! Lurk buys a snow cone. Uzzle buys a freeze pop. Bonk buys an ice-cream cone. Snag buys a slush. “A club is not the only thing that can make us cool,” says Bonk. “It's not?” asks Lurk. “Ice cream works even better,” says Bonk. Uzzle, Lurk, and Snag agree.