Leap year birthday生在2月29

Leap year birthday生在2月29

2017-01-25    03'09''

主播: Nancy👇😃

87 5

Leap Year Birthday It was leap day, February 29. It was a day that only comes once every four years. It was also Leroy's birthday. So was he eight years old or only two? Leroy was not sure. Leroy wanted to learn about leap day. He wanted to learn about people like him. Leroy wanted to learn about leap day. Leroy and his mom went to the library. The librarian asked Leroy's mom to“be”the Sun. She asked Leroy to“be”the Earth. She told Leroy to spin like a top. She also told him to make a big loop around his mom. “Every time you complete a spin, you complete one day,”the librarian said. Every day, he also moved a little bit in his big loop around the Sun. When he got back to the start, the librarian told him one year had gone by. “That was 365 spins, or days,”she said. “However, a year is really a little bit more than 365 days,”she added. “For a full year, the Earth has to spin a little bit more,” the librarian explained. “To do that, the Earth needs an extra six hours every year,” she said. “Every four years, that adds up to one extra day,” she added. “That is why leap years have 366 days,” she said. Leroy got it at last! Back home, Leroy's friends jumped out at him. “Happy birthday!” they shouted. Leroy’s mom brought out a cake with eight candles. Six candles were blue. Two were red for his leap year birthdays. Mom beamed at Leroy like the Sun beams at the Earth. Leroy beamed back.