大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL 外教,王君老师,jun465668,每天两分钟,轻松掌握最接地气的1000句英式英语 第23课的职场英语激发了大家浓厚的兴趣,那么王君老师继续昨天的内容,盘点一下最近热播的《欢乐颂》里的职场英语,是曲筱绡开会谈GI项目的那段Please allow me to continue, Mr. Smith, I know you are worried of my lack of experience, we are face with the same problem, we are give the chance to prove ourselves. Welcome come to Shanghai, and I hope you having good time here, let’s cheers!我们可以很清晰地听到在这几句英语中,每句都是错的,第一句,先生Mr Smith 说成 Miss Smith, 第二句,Worried of 应该是worried about, 第三句应该是,we are facing with the same problem, 第四句应该是 we are given a chance, 第五句 应该是,I hope you have good time here, 第六句,在说Cheers的时候,一般都不会说Let’s Cheers!而是直接说Cheers,Let’s cheers 源自我么中文逻辑思维的翻译,让我们干杯吧。当然了,这部剧本来就不是要体现英文水平的,但我在这里要强调的一点是,我们很多的时候是要通过大量的听说来提高英语说平的,英语,只有说出来,才是真正掌握了,否则都是停留在中式逻辑思维上的浮云!我对这段话进行了整体修改,虽然不一定完美,但比电视剧里的好很多了Please allow me to continue, Mr Smith, I know you are worried about my lack of experience, but there is a very important point I would like to make here, it is my great honour having this chance to prove ourselves now. Welcome to Shanghai, and I hope you enjoy every moment in this great city, Cheers! 好了,我们今天就讲到这里,如果你喜欢王君老师这堂课的话,转发,评论和打赏都是对我最大的支持,课程是免费的,你的支持是我前进的动力,打卡第24天,你还在坚持么