No.36 英国八卦新闻,首相是怎样丢孩子的

No.36 英国八卦新闻,首相是怎样丢孩子的

2016-06-23    03'20''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

1487 90

在英国,首相都自己看孩子,卡梅伦把宝宝Nancy落在酒吧里,怎么破?大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL 外教,王君老师,每天两分钟,轻松掌握最接地气的1000句英式英语 我们今天呢聊一下英国一些有趣的事情,在英国,与中国最大的不同,就是,看孩子呢,是父母的事情,而不是爷爷奶奶外公外婆的责任,即便是英国首相,也是自己看孩子的,英国首相David Cameron就曾经不小心把自己可爱的女儿Nancy 落在了吃饭的酒吧,这件事情发生了在几年前,很多人认为,这种低级错误是不能犯的,好在英国拐卖儿童的很少,Nancy安然无恙David Cameron and his wife, Samantha, left their eight-year-old daughter, Nancy, in a pub after having Sunday drink, Downing Street has confirmed.Number 10 said the couple had been "distraught" when they realised Nancy was not with them.distraught means very worried and upset Mrs Cameron had assumed her elder daughter was with her father. The mistake was discovered when they got home.