No.37 明星撞脸,有好有坏

No.37 明星撞脸,有好有坏

2016-06-25    02'32''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

1660 92

大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL 外教,王君老师,每天两分钟,轻松掌握最接地气的1000句英式英语 你和明星撞过脸么,这是我么今天的核心话题, 和明星撞脸和明星撞脸最接近英文Celebrity-look-alike大家一定要注意,明星是celebrity 。。。今天故事的主人公是在英国Salford的 Stuart Boyd,由于长得希特勒,给生活带来了很多不便Salford resident Stuart Boyd says he has been left “distraught”, he had renewed his passport the for his 50th birthday, but has had to send it back because of the likeness of the Nazi leader Hitler.英国的移民局的解释是All UK passports are carefully created and checked to exacting standards before they are issued.其实我个人的观点的是,最主要的原因还是Stuart 长得像希特勒,结果怪移民局把护照做的像希特勒如果我长得像吴彦祖的话,那一定不会怪别人把我做的像吴彦祖了。可惜的是,明星脸,我们没有选择权同学们,你们有一张明星脸么?what’s your celebrity look-alike?