No.43 你是我的眼

No.43 你是我的眼

2016-07-30    02'10''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

2982 89

男孩把眼睛捐给了女孩,却被无情抛弃了,感恩比什么都重要!大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL 外教,王君老师,天我们讲一个感人的故事There was a blind girl. She had a loving boyfriend, who was always there for her. The girl hated herself and everyone around, just because she was blind. Her boyfriend asked her to marry him. But she said: If I could only see the world, I would marry you.One day someone had donated a pair of eyes to this girl and after an operation she could see everything. But when her loving boyfriend came to her and asked if she would marry him now, she just looked at him with disdain, as she could see now that he was blind too. Thus she refused to marry him. He walked away full of sadness and later wrote a short letter of few words to her:Just take care of my eyes darling其实,人们总是忽略身边最关心最爱你的人,怀有一个感恩的心比什么都重要,最喜欢Thema Davis 的一句话:The way you treat people says a lot about who you are. Be careful! Your action are screaming over your words.