

2020-05-19    01'26''

主播: We Volunteers ❤

301 1

Once upon a time, all the mice met together in a meeting and discussed the way to deal with their common enemy, a big cat in the house. 从前,老鼠们聚在一起开会商量如何对付他们共同的敌人,一只大猫。 They came up with different ideas and couldn’t agree on each other. 他们各有各的想法,无法达成一致。 At last, a mouse got up and said he had a good idea. 最后,一只老鼠站出来说他有一个好主意。 “We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound and run away.” 他说:“我们可以在猫的脖子上系一个铃铛,那么如果猫来到附近,我们听到铃响就可以马上逃跑。” Everyone approved his idea, but an old wise mouse got up and said, “I agree with you all. But may I ask who is going to bell the cat?” 大家都赞同这个建议,这时一只聪明的老耗子站出来说:“我也赞同你们,但是谁来给猫的脖子上系铃铛呢?” The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke. 老鼠们面面相觑,谁也没说话。