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It was an emotional reunion.
Elizabeth Hamel and Ann Hunt, twins:
Oh, how lovely to see you in the flesh.
Ann grew up never knowing she had a twin. Elizabeth stayed with her mother, who was
in domestic service and could afford to bring up only one child. It wasn&`&t until last year,
with the women in their late 70s, that Ann discovered she had a twin sister, now living in
Ann Hunt:
You&`&re meeting someone in the flesh for the first time, and you know that you&`&ve been in
the womb together for eight months.
The sisters have agreed to take part in a research programme looking into the lives of
reunited twins. Dr Nancy Segal is the director of the Twin Studies Center at California
State University.
Dr Nancy Segal:
We want to get a comprehensive overview of their lives, their abilities, their interests
and really put it all together as an important case study, because this is the world&`&s
longest-separated pair of twins.
Ann and Elizabeth plan to spend some time together. They have two lifetimes of
memories to share, and new families to get to know.