

2016-03-02    01'31''

主播: 帅健翔老师

21232 842

【小帅帅英语听写训练秘诀】1.循环播放反复听 2.反应不及先空格 3.听到哪里写哪里 4.全部写完才按停 【原文在此】听音频过程中不按听,循环播放(训练开始阶段,平均每篇需要听60-80遍),完全听写完毕才对照原文 China's economy continues to weaken, according to recent surveys. China is the world's second-biggest economy. Figures released Tuesday show the country's factory production is at its lowest level in four years. The official Purchasing Manager's Index, or PMI, tracks activity in factories. The manufacturing PMI in China is reported by Markit Economics. The index dropped to 49 in China in February. In January, the PMI was 49.4. Any reading of the PMI below 50 signals contraction. It was the seventh month in a row the PMI dropped. Observers of the Chinese economy say February's PMI reading could have been affected by the New Year holiday. Many factories close for an extended time and workers stay home during the holiday. Another survey showed China's economy is slumping. The Caixin/Markit purchasing managers' index fell to a five-month low of 48 last month. It was the 12th month in a row that the index declined. The index calculates economic output, new orders and employment. 更多英语干货, 关注微信:帅胖英语