

2016-03-24    01'36''

主播: 帅健翔老师

9531 599

【小帅帅英语听写训练秘诀】1.循环播放反复听 2.反应不及先空格 3.听到哪里写哪里 4.全部写完才按停 【原文在此】听音频过程中不按听,循环播放(训练开始阶段,平均每篇需要听60-80遍),完全听写完毕才对照原文 Many cars in advertisements, exhibits and at car dealerships in the United States are red, blue or green -- but almost 75 percent of new cars sold in the United States are black, white, silver or gray. Les Jackson is a reporter who writes about cars. He says the car colors Americans choose do not show dirt as much as the colors of other cars. He says that means the owners wash their cars less, saving money. And he notes some areas that are suffering from water shortages do not permit people to wash their cars often, if at all. Dan Benton works for a company called Axalta, which makes supplies for international carmakers. He says when white cars are sold by their owners, they often sell for higher amounts than cars of other colors. And he notes that white cars "absorb less energy" than cars of other colors. This means temperatures inside them are lower in warmer areas. 更多英语干货, 关注微信:帅胖英语