

2016-04-26    01'26''

主播: 帅健翔老师

7946 443

【小帅帅英语听写训练秘诀】1.循环播放反复听 2.反应不及先空格 3.听到哪里写哪里 4.全部写完才按停 【小帅帅轻点评】此篇词汇难度不大,但话题难度稍高,背景与美国时事政治相关。 【原文在此】听音频过程中不按听,循环播放(训练开始阶段,平均每篇需要听60-80遍),完全听写完毕才对照原文 Two U.S. presidential candidates will work together and try to stop Donald Trump from becoming the Republican Party's presidential nominee. On Sunday, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich announced a joint plan to defeat Trump in three states. The businessman has been leading in the race for the Republican presidential nomination since February 9, when he won the New Hampshire primary. Former senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton has won the most delegates in the race to become the Democratic Party's candidate for president. Barack Obama has served two four-year terms as president. That is the most permitted under the U.S. Constitution. Obama will leave office in January. Some political observers thought Trump would not be successful in his campaign for the Republican nomination. But he has won primaries and caucuses in many states. He now controls the largest number of delegates to the party's nominating convention. That meeting will take place in July.