【小帅帅英语听写训练秘诀】1.循环播放反复听 2.反应不及先空格 3.听到哪里写哪里 4.全部写完才按停
We all experience tension in our lives. In fact, technology can often be a source of the tension. But technology can also help us relax and think less about our troubles.
Sometimes, Facebook posts, tweets, or web news reports can be upsetting. Emails can also bring bad news, like criticism from a boss or angry words from a friend.
It can be tempting to step away from technology. But perhaps technology offers some solutions to life&`&s tensions, instead. There are some tech tools designed to help people relax.
Sound can have a major effect on a person&`&s state of mind. Filling a space with peaceful music can ease nerves. YouTube offers hours of videos with calming music. Type "relaxing music for stress relief" in the YouTube search box.
Spotify is another online service where soothing sounds can be found. Check out the playlist, "Pure Relaxation."