

2016-06-01    01'57''

主播: 帅健翔老师

10788 328

【小帅帅英语听写训练秘诀】1.循环播放反复听 2.反应不及先空格 3.听到哪里写哪里 4.全部写完才按停 【小帅帅轻点评】此篇较难的部分在于不熟悉地名的听写。整篇长度也较长,需要一定耐心。 【原文在此】听音频过程中不按听,循环播放(训练开始阶段,平均每篇需要听60-80遍),完全听写完毕才对照原文 Up to 700 migrants are believed to have died in the past week crossing the Mediterranean Sea, the United Nations said Tuesday. At least three boats sank in the biggest death toll for migrants in more than a year, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said. The boats left Libya and were trying to reach Italy. Most of the migrants came from Africa. About 14,000 people were rescued in calmer seas since Monday, Reuters news agency reported. Survivors who arrived in Italy said one of the boats was carrying many women and children. The migrants pay smugglers to take them on small rubber boats or old fishing vessels. Many do not know how to swim and do not have life jackets. Giovanna Benedetto is with the humanitarian group, Save the Children. She said the survivors spoke about horrible conditions on the boats. "They lived [in] terrible situations. They told us terrible stories. They saw killing people – only because those people want to have some food. Their stories are really, really terrifying." The U.N. announced Tuesday that more than 2,500 migrants have died trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe so far this year. That is a big increase from 1,855 people who died in the first five months of 2015. 更多备考精华干货 关注公共微信:帅胖英语